
The structure of the playlist


The playlist has a specific structure, which must be followed exactly.

The playlist consists of an array containing objects for the audio files and their information.

An object for an audio has 4 keys. These are:

  • bandName
  • songTitle
  • songFile
  • songImage

All 4 values for each key is a string as data type.

The keys


The name of the band or author. If it is not specified, "unknown" is displayed.


The title of the audio file. If it is not specified, "unknown" is displayed.


Is the path for the audio file. This attribute must be specified, of course.


The image for the audio file. If it is not specified, a standard image is displayed.
The image should have a size of at least 120px x 120px and thus be square. Recommended size is 300px x 300px. The HTML tag alt is automatically set as follows: "bandName - songName".

Code example

For setting to the player see 3. Step of the introduction.